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Link: Original section for random.choices

def choice(
    seq: Sequence[T],
    weights: Sequence[Number] | None = None,
    cumulative_weights: Sequence[Number] | None = None
) -> T

Chooses a random element from a non-empty sequence seq.

If the relative weights or cumulative weights are not specified, the selections are made with equal probability.

If seq is empty, IndexError is raised.


Link: Original section for random.choices

def choices(
    seq: Sequence[T],
    weights: Sequence[Number] | None = None,
    cumulative_weights: Sequence[Number] | None = None,
    k: int = 1,
) -> list[T]

Returns a k sized list of elements chosen from the sequence seq with replacement. If the sequence is empty, IndexError is raised.

If a weights sequence is specified, selections are made according to the relative weights. Alternatively, if a cumulative_weights sequence is given, the selections are made according to the cumulative weights (perhaps computed using itertools.accumulate()). For example, the relative weights [10, 5, 30, 5] are equivalent to the cumulative weights [10, 15, 45, 50]. Internally, the relative weights are converted to cumulative weights before making selections, so supplying the cumulative weights saves work.

If neither weights nor cumulative_weights are specified, selections are made with equal probability. If a weights sequence is supplied, it must be the same length as the seq sequence. Specifying both weights and cumulative_weights will raise a TypeError.

The weights or cumulative_weights can use any numeric type that interoperates with the float values returned by ixia.random() (that includes integers, floats, and fractions but excludes decimals). Weights are assumed to be non-negative and finite. If all weights are zero, a ValueError is raised.


Link: See the Integers section.


Link: Original section for random.sample

def sample(
    seq: Sequence[T],
    k: int,
    counts: Iterable[int] | None = None
) -> list[T]

Returns a k length list of unique elements chosen from the sequence seq, while keeping the original sequence unchanged. Used for random sampling without replacement.

The resulting list is in selection order so that all sub-slices will also be valid random samples. This allows raffle winners (the sample) to be partitioned into grand prize and second place winners (the subslices).

Members of the sequence don't need to be hashable nor unique. If the sequence contains repeats, then each occurrence is a possible selection in the sample.

Repeated elements can be specified one at a time or with the optional keyword-only counts parameter. For example,

sample(["red", "blue"], counts=[4, 2], k=5)
is equivalent to
sample(["red", "red", "red", "red", "blue", "blue", k=5])
To choose a sample from a range of integers, use a range() object as an argument. This is especially fast and space efficient for sampling from a large population:
sample(range(10 ** 7), k=60)

If the sample size is larger than the population size, a ValueError is raised.


Link: Original section for random.shuffle

def shuffle(seq: MutableSequence[Any]) -> None

Shuffles the sequence seq in place.

For out of place shuffling, use ixia.shuffled().


def shuffled(seq: Sequence[T]) -> MutableSequence[T]

Shuffles the sequence seq out of place.

If seq is a mutable type M[T], the function will return M[T].
If seq is an immutable type IM[T], the function will return list[T].

For in place shuffling, use ixia.shuffle().