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Strings and bytes


def passphrase(
    n: int, *, sep: str = "-", words_path: str = "/usr/share/dict/words"
) -> str

Generates an XKCD-style passphrase made up from n words (based on the file specified by words_path), separated by sep (- by default).

⚠️ The default word list is not available on Windows.


Link: Original section for random.randbytes

def rand_bytes(n: int = 32) -> bytes

Generates n random bytes. Defaults to 32.


Link: Original section for secrets.token_hex

def rand_hex(n: int) -> str

Returns a hex string composed of n random bytes.


def rand_line(file: TextIOBase | str) -> str
Returns a random line from a file. Given a string, assumes it is a path, reads it, and returns a random line from the read content. Given a readable IO object, reads it, and returns a random line from the read content.


Original section for secrets.token_urlsafe

def rand_urlsafe(n: int = 32) -> str

Returns a random URL-safe text string, composed of n bytes, in Base64 encoding. Defaults to 32.