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Oddsprout can be configured via a TOML file (for the CLI) and via a Config object (for the Python library).

Default config

If left unspecified, the default oddsprout config is equivalent to:

base-max = 100
string-max = 50
collection-max = 100

base = "any"
charset = "ascii"
include = ["int", "float", "string", "boolean", "null", "array", "object"]
import oddsprout

    base_size=(0, 100),
    string_size=(0, 50),
    collection_size=(0, 100),
    types=["int", "float", "string", "boolean", "null", "array", "object"]



The type to use for the JSON's root. Valid options are "any", "array", and "object". Choosing "any" will randomly select the base type.

Defaults to "any".


The set of characters to use for string generation. Valid options are:

  • "ascii": all characters from 0x00 to 0x7F
  • "alpha": A–Z and a–z
  • "alnum": "alpha" + 0–9
  • "digits": 0–9

Defaults to "ascii".


Three types of bounds can be specified:

  • base bounds dictate the size of the root collection
  • string bounds dictate the length of generated strings
  • collection bounds dictate the size of nested collections

In the Python API, they are specified through the base_size, string_size, and collection_size parameters, all of which are of type tuple[int, int] (specifying the minimum and maximum size).

In the CLI TOML configuration, the bounds can be specified through base, string, and collection settings, all of which require an array of 2 integers. Alternatively, by suffixing the setting with -max, you can only set the maximum value, making e.g. string-max = 30 equivalent to string = [0, 30].

base = [0, 20]
string = [0, 30]
collection = [0, 10]
base-max = 20
string-max = 30
collection-max = 10


Oddsprout heavily relies on recursion to generate JSONs, which means it may fail for more extreme bounds configurations. For the Python API, you can attempt to counter this by increasing the recursion limit.


The data types to include during generation. Defaults to using all types. In the Python API, they're specified via the types parameter, which is a tuple[str, ...]. In the CLI, they're specified via the include or exclude setting, both of which are arrays of type names. Duplicate types are ignored.

Example: Only generate arrays of numbers, booleans, and nested arrays:

import oddsprout

    oddsprout.Config(base="array", types=("number", "boolean", "array"))
base = "array"
include = ["number", "boolean", "array"]
base = "array"
exclude = ["string", "object", "null"]


The "number" type is an alias for including "int" and "float" at once. The above example would behave the same way if Config(..., types=("int", "float", "boolean", "array")) or include = ["int", "float", "boolean", "array"] were supplied.